A really easy way to help us raise funds if you do a lot of shopping on line is to visit your favourite shops through the easyfundraising website. It doesn’t cost a penny! Over 7,000 retailers will donate to your chosen cause if you complete your purchase through the site. Every little helps!

November 2023 You smashed it! Our Crowdfunder campaign has raised £1,063 at the time of writing, which exceeds our target and gives us more than enough match funding to apply for Bromley Council’s Jubilee Parks Fund. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated, shared, liked and supported us. We are one step nearer to giving our toddlers the playground they need and deserve. We’re now concentrating on the community quiz to raise awareness and funds. Please continue to like and share our campaign - and become a member to receive updates on the playground and other matters via email. Just head over to the Join Us page.

August 2023 Delighted to report that we have raised £650 in a very short space of time! Thank you to all those who have supported and donated. We have increased our current campaign target to £1000.